Unsupervised Leaning

Lecture Notes

These lecture notes cover all the topics of the course for the unsupervised learning part. You must read the chapter corresponding to the lecture of the week to be able to follow the class and to work with the practical exercises solved during the class.

This is a link to the python notebooks from github used in class (there are non interactive versions, see info about how to run them in the software section)

This is a link to the notebooks uploaded to Microsoft Azure platform (if you have a MS account you can sign in and clone the notebooks)

Slides and other material

This is a book that collects all the slides of the course, you have the slides by topic and the complementary material below.
  1. Data Mining, a global perspective
  2. Data preprocessing/transformation
  3. Unsupervised machine learning
  4. Unsupervised methodologies in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
    • Slides Clustering methodologies in Knowledge discovery
  5. Consensus Clustering
  6. Clustering for sequential and graph data
    • Slides Clustering sequential and structured data
  7. Semi supervised Clustering