Department of Computer Science
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
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Conrado Martínez
Professor / Catedrático de Universidad
ACM Senior Member

Campus Nord, Omega-241
Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
Email: {c,C}onrado[.{m,M}artinez]   (*)
Phone: +34 93 41 37849 Fax: +34 93 41 37833
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(*) Elements inside braces are choices, e.g., you may use upper- or lowercase in the initials of my name. Elements inside brackets are optional, i.e., you may use my last name or not when writing me. My old email address with subdomain @lsi.upc.{es,edu} will work, but please use the new address instead (and update your address book accordingly).

Research interests & activities

I am member of the Algorithms, Bioinformatics and Complexity Research Group (ALBCOM) of the Dept. of Computer Science (CS). I've participated in many research projects about the design and analysis of algorithms, in some cases as the leading researcher. I'm currently participating in project MOTION (Models and Techniques for for Large-Scale Information Processing) funded by the Spanish Ministery od Science & Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).

My current research areas of interest include:

I'm a faculty member of the Barcelona Graduate School of Mathematics (BGSMath) and a senior member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). In the past, I have also been a member of the Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (SCM) and of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (until 2022).

Conference committees and editorial boards

Past events & committees in which I was involved include:

Former PhD students

Click here for a photo of the happy sextet :) (from left to right: X. Molinero, C. Martínez, G. Lau, A. Duch, S. Roura, A. Helmi).


You can also access from here the Technical Reports Archive of the CS Department and the ALCOM-FT Technical Reports Archive.

Besides my PhD students (Salvador Roura, Amalia Duch, Xavier Molinero, Ahmed Helmi and Gustavo Lau), I have coauthored papers with many other good friends around the world: Margaret Archibald, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Rafel Cases, Hua-Huai 'Felix' Chern, Jean Daligault, Hervé Daudé, Josep Díaz, Vladimir 'Vlad' Estivill-Castro, Maria Inés Fernández-Camacho, Philippe Flajolet (1948-2011), Joaquim Gabarró, 'Jason' Zhicheng Gao, Xavier Gourdon, Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Rosa Maria Jiménez, Peter Kirschenhofer, Fco. Javier Larrosa, Guy Louchard (????-2023), Jérémie Lumbroso, Xavier Messeguer, Lucia Moura, Markus Nebel, Cyril Nicaud, Daniel Panario, Alois Panholzer, Mercè Pons, Helmut Prodinger, Vonjy Rasendrahasina, Vlady Ravelomanana, Bruce Richmond, Uwe Rösler, Emma Rollón, Pablo Rotondo, Gonzalo Solera-Pardo, Brett Stevens, Gabriel Valiente, Alfredo 'Tuba' Viola and Sebastian Wild.

My Erdös number is 2 (via L. B. Richmond > P. Erdös). My Knuth number is also 2 (via Ph. Flajolet > D. E. Knuth). My Flajolet number is 1. My Einstein number is 4 (via several different paths, e.g., J. Díaz > L. H. Harper > E. Gabor Straus > A. Einstein).

If you are curious about your own collaborative distance to other researchers working in Math, Computer Science, Physics or related areas, MathSciNet provides a free tool just for that (they have a huge publication database so it's very likely that it will produce the true value: Collaborative Distance@MathSciNet

Postgraduate Studies

I've been the Vicedean of Postgraduate Studies of the School of Informatics of Barcelona (FIB) until early June 2013. I was Coordinator of the extinct Master in Information Technologies (MTI) program (no new places are open since 2014), and chair of the Academic Committees of the three master programs that the FIB opened while I was vice-dean, namely, the Master of Informatics Engineering, the Master of Artificial Intelligence and the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics. Several new master program have emerged since then. For questions related to the any other of the master programs offered by FIB, please go to the web pages to check whom you shall contact.

I'm currently member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee, which coordinates the two PhD programs of our department, and also a member of the Academic Committee of the Computing PhD Program. I have been served in these committees a few times in the past, under different roles. Click here for information about our PhD programs.


I am usually involved in courses at the School of Informatics (FIB), at undergraduate and graduate level. My current teaching activity is concentrated in the following courses:

Mini-courses & educational talks

Other stuff/Otras cosas