Conrado Martínez
Professor / Catedrático de Universidad
ACM Senior Member
Campus Nord, Omega-241
Jordi Girona, 1-3
E-08034 Barcelona, Spain
Email: {c,C}onrado[.{m,M}artinez]@cs.upc.edu (*)
Phone: +34 93 41 37849
Fax: +34 93 41 37833
Google Scholar
Researcher ID
(*) Elements inside braces are choices, e.g., you may use upper- or
lowercase in the initials of my name. Elements inside brackets are optional,
i.e., you may use my last name or not when writing me.
My old email address with subdomain @lsi.upc.{es,edu} will work, but
please use the new address @cs.upc.edu instead
(and update your address book accordingly).
Research interests & activities
I am member of the Algorithms,
and Complexity Research Group (ALBCOM) of the Dept. of
Computer Science (CS). I've
participated in many research projects about the design and analysis
of algorithms, in some cases as the leading researcher. I'm currently
participating in project MOTION (Models and Techniques for for
Large-Scale Information Processing) funded by the Spanish Ministery od
Science & Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033).
My current research areas of interest include:
I'm a faculty member of the Barcelona Graduate School of
and a senior member of the Association
for Computing Machinery (ACM). In the past, I have also been
a member of the Societat Catalana de
Matemàtiques (SCM) and of
the Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathematics (SIAM) (until 2022).
Conference committees and editorial boards
- Member of the Steering Committee of the Latin American Theoretical
INformatics Symposium (LATIN
), since 2020.
- Associate Editor of the ACM Transactions
on Algorithms (ACM TALG), since 2015.
- Publicity Chair and member of the PC for the 17th
Intl. Conf. on Similarity Seach and Applications
(SISAP 2024), Nov. 4-6, 2024,
Providence, RI, USA.
- Member of the PC of the 35th Intl. Meeting on Probabilistic,
Combinatorial and Asymtotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA 2024), June 17-21, 2024, Bath, United Kingdom.
Past events & committees in which I was involved include:
- Chair of the Committee for the
Imre Simon
Test-of-Time Award.
- Member of the PC of the Intl. Symp. on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks
(ALGOWIN), Sept. 7-8, 2023, Amsterdam, The
- Publicity Chair and member of the PC for the 16th
Intl. Conf. on Similarity Seach and Applications
(SISAP 2023), Oct. 9-11, 2023,
A Coruña, Spain.
- Keynote Speaker of the 34th Intl. Meeting on Probabilistic,
Combinatorial and Asymtotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA 2023),
June 26-30, 2023, Taipei, Taiwan.
- International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA).
Member of the Steering Committee from 2014 to 2021. Chair of the Steering
Committee from 2018 to 2021.
- 14th Latin American Theoretical
INformatics Symposium (LATIN
2020). São Paulo, Brasil,
May 25-29, 2020
January 5-8, 2021.
Member of the PC.
- ACM-SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
(ANALCO). Member of the Steering Committee, from 2010 until 2019.
ANALCO 2019 was the last edition, and the SC decided to discontinue this series of meetings.
- 30th International
Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA 2019). CIRM,
Luminy, France, June 24-28, 2019. Member of the scientific
- 43rd Int. Symp. on
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
(MFCS 2018). Liverpool, UK,
August 27-31, 2018. Member of the PC.
- 13th Latin American Theoretical
INformatics Symposium (LATIN
2018). Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 16-19, 2018. Member of the PC.
- 28th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA17).
Barcelona, Spain, January 16-18, 2017. Chair of the
Organizing Committee.
- 14th ACM-SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
(ANALCO17). Barcelona, Spain.
January 16, 2017.
Co-chair of the PC.
- 13th ACM-SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
(ANALCO16). Arlington,
January 11, 2016.
Member of the PC.
- 33rd Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science
(STACS 2016).
Orléans, France, February 17-20, 2016. Member of the PC.
- 12th ACM-SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
(ANALCO15). San Diego, USA,
January 4, 2015.
Member of the PC.
- IX Jornadas de
Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica. Tarragona,
Spain, July 7-9, 2014. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- 11th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium
(LATIN 2014).
Montevideo, Uruguay, March 31-April 4, 2014.
Member of the PC.
- ALEA Europe 2013, Marseille,
France, October 21-25, 2013. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- 24th International Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and
Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2013).
Cala Galdana,
Menorca, Spain,
May 27-31, 2013. Chair of the Scientific Committee.
- 24th ACM-SIAM Symp. on
Discrete Algorithms (SODA
2013). New Orleans, USA, January 6-8, 2013. Member of the PC.
- VIII Jornadas de
Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica. Almería,
Spain, July 11-13, 2012. Member of the Scientific Committee.
- 10th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium
(LATIN 2012). Arequipa,
Peru, April 16-20, 2012.
Member of the PC.
- Journées
ALÉA 2012. CIRM, Marseille, France, March 5-9,
2012. Invited lecturer.
- 9th ACM-SIAM Meeting on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
(ANALCO12). Kyoto,
Japan, January 16, 2012.
Co-chair of the PC.
- 21st Int. Meeting on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic
Methods for the Analysis of Algorithms (AofA'10). Vienna, Austria,
2010. Member of the PC.
- VII Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica
Castro Urdiales, Spain, 2010. Member of the PC.
- The Research Program Probabilistic Techniques in Computer
Science, from September to December 2009, at the Center for
Mathematical Research (CRM)
in Bellaterra. Co-director of the Program.
- Sixth ACM-SIAM Workshop on Analytic Algorithms
and Combinatorics
New York, USA, 2009. Co-chair of the PC.
- VI Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica
Lleida, Spain, 2008. Member of the scientific committee.
- 2008 Int. Conf. on the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA'08). Maresias, Brazil, 2008.
Keynote speaker.
- 2007 Int. Conf. on the Analysis of Algorithms
(AofA'07, Juan-les-Pins, France).
Member of the PC.
- First Canadian Discrete and Algorithmic Mathematics Conference
2007, Banff, Canada). Co-organizer of the minisymposium on
Applications of Discrete Mathematics for
the Analysis of Algorithms.
- 4th ACM-SIAM
Workshop on Analytic Algorithmics and Combinatorics
New Orleans, USA). Member of the PC.
- 2005 International Conference on Analysis of
Algorithms (AofA'05).
Chair of the Program Committee.
Click here
to access the on-line proceedings of the Conference,
published by Discrete Mathematics &
Theoretical Computer Science.
Former PhD students
- Salvador
Roura: Divide-and-Conquer Algorithms and Data
Structures (1997)
- Amalia Duch:
Design and Analysis of Multidimensional Data Structures (2004)
- Xavier Molinero:
Ordered Generation of Classes of Combinatorial
Structures (2005).
- Ahmed Helmi:
The Hiring Problem and its Algorithmic Applications (2013)
- Gustavo Lau:
Analysis of Partial Match Queries in Multidimensional
Search Trees (2019), co-supervised with Amalia Duch
Click here for a
photo of the happy sextet :) (from left to right: X. Molinero, C. Martínez,
G. Lau, A. Duch, S. Roura, A. Helmi).
You can also access from here the
Reports Archive of the CS Department and
the ALCOM-FT Technical Reports
Besides my PhD students (Salvador Roura, Amalia Duch, Xavier Molinero, Ahmed Helmi and Gustavo Lau),
I have coauthored papers with many other
good friends around the world:
Margaret Archibald,
Ricardo Baeza-Yates,
Rafel Cases,
'Felix' Chern,
Jean Daligault,
Hervé Daudé,
Josep Díaz,
Vladimir 'Vlad' Estivill-Castro,
Maria Inés Fernández-Camacho,
Philippe Flajolet (1948-2011),
Joaquim Gabarró,
'Jason' Zhicheng Gao,
Xavier Gourdon,
Hsien-Kuei Hwang,
Rosa Maria Jiménez,
Fco. Javier Larrosa,
Guy Louchard (????-2023),
Jérémie Lumbroso,
Xavier Messeguer,
Lucia Moura,
Markus Nebel,
Cyril Nicaud,
Daniel Panario,
Alois Panholzer,
Mercè Pons,
Helmut Prodinger,
Vonjy Rasendrahasina,
Vlady Ravelomanana,
Bruce Richmond,
Emma Rollón,
Pablo Rotondo,
Gonzalo Solera-Pardo,
Brett Stevens,
Gabriel Valiente,
Alfredo 'Tuba' Viola
Sebastian Wild.
My Erdös number is
2 (via L. B. Richmond > P. Erdös).
My Knuth number is also 2 (via Ph. Flajolet > D. E. Knuth).
My Flajolet number is 1.
My Einstein number is 4
(via several different paths, e.g.,
J. Díaz > L. H. Harper > E. Gabor Straus > A. Einstein).
If you are curious about your own collaborative distance
to other researchers working in Math, Computer Science, Physics or
related areas, MathSciNet provides a free tool just for that
(they have a huge publication database so it's very likely that it will
produce the true value:
Postgraduate Studies
I've been the Vicedean of Postgraduate Studies
of the School of Informatics of
Barcelona (FIB) until early June 2013.
I was Coordinator
of the extinct Master in Information Technologies (MTI)
program (no new places are open since 2014), and chair of the Academic Committees of the
three master programs that the FIB opened while I was vice-dean, namely,
the Master of Informatics Engineering, the Master of Artificial Intelligence and the Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics.
Several new master program have emerged since then.
For questions
related to the any other of the master programs offered by FIB,
please go to the web
pages to check whom you shall contact.
I'm currently member of the Postgraduate Studies Committee, which
coordinates the two PhD programs of our department, and also a member of the
Academic Committee of the Computing PhD Program. I have been served in these committees a few times
in the past, under different roles.
Click here for information about
our PhD programs.
I am usually involved in courses at
the School of Informatics
(FIB), at undergraduate and graduate level.
My current teaching
activity is concentrated in the following courses:
Mini-courses & educational talks
- In July 2023, I delivered a 15h course Advanced Data Structures in the 36th Escuela de Ciencias
Informáticas (ECI 2023) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I taught the course in Spanish, but all materials where in English.
You might download the slides here.
Barcelona Chapter
of Papers We Love kindly invited me to give a talk
last February 28th, 2018.
Here you can download
the slides of the talk that I
delivered on randomized data structures.
In October 2017, I was invited to give a mini-course (3h) in the
in Europe meeting. My course, Data
Stream Analysis: a (New) Triumph for Analytic Combinatorics, was an
introduction to the application of Analytic Combinatorics for the
design and analysis of data stream algorithms. Click here to download the slides.
- In May 2009, I gave the short course (6 hours)
Combinatorics: A Primer at the
Fields-MITACS Summer School in Applied Probability (Carleton U.,
In April 2011, I gave a longer version of that course at the
Facultad de Ingeniería
(Universidad de la
República, Uruguay). Click the link to download the slides that
I've used for the two courses. You can also download the
exercices (in
Spanish) of the course taught in Uruguay.
I taught another similar mini-course
Applications of Analytic Combinatorics to the Analysis of Algorithms:
An Introduction, for the 1st
Latin American Theoretical Informatics School, in conjonction with
Latin American
Theoretical Informatics Symposium (LATIN 2012) in Arequipa, Peru,
on April 2012.
Other stuff/Otras cosas
Few people would pay for using and enjoying their own work. Or
not so few?
what Scott Aaronson wrote in his
review of The Access Principle.
The initial paragraphs are remarkable, I've found them very funny
(better said: ironic).
El Panfleto
Antipedagógico de Ricardo Moreno Castillo, publicado
por la editorial Leqtor, denuncia con
brillantez la desastrosa situación de la educación en
España y sus causas. El panfleto se centra en la
enseñanza secundaria, pero muchos de los síntomas del
deficiente sistema educativo y de sus causas también se dan en
otros niveles, incluído el universitario. No coincido con todas
las opiniones del profesor Moreno, pero sí con la inmensa
mayoría y desde luego estoy de acuerdo con él en la
esencia. Si eres profesor y dispones de un rato no dejes de leer el
panfleto. Se lee con rapidez y
satisfacción. Satisfacción por la bien expuesta y
lúcida argumentación, no porque el tema tratado la
produzca. En el enlace de arriba puedes acceder a la versión
abreviada y de libre acceso,
que durante bastante tiempo ha circulado en Internet,
previamente a la publicación del libro del mismo título.
Otro interesante documento, que el profesor Moreno
Castillo ha llamado a mi atención, es
La influencia de la nueva
pedagogía en la educación: el ejemplo de Suecia,
escrito por Inger Enkvist, de la Universidad de Lund. Aunque se
describe el caso particular de Suecia, hay muchos elementos comunes
con los sistemas educativos de otros países de Europa,
incluyendo a España.
Aquí puedes encontrar otro artículo más
escrito por el profesor Moreno Castillo. Con el provocador
Es la pedagogía una ciencia?, fue publicado en
el número 11 del Foro de Educación.
Tanto Foro de Educación como la revista Mercurio recogen
opiniones muy interesantes (y otras no tanto, por supuesto!) en sus páginas acerca de temas relacionados con la Educación.
Tampoco tiene desperdicio el
artículo Analfabetos
Funcionales Titulados de Gonzalo Guijarro, profesor de
secundaria y portavoz de la Asociación de Profesores de
Instituto de Andalucía (APIA).
Plastilina en la universidad es el
título del artículo firmado por
Francesc de Carreras, catedrático de
Derecho Constitucional de la UAB, y publicado el 29 de mayo de 2008 en
La Vanguardia.
Hay mucho en lo que estoy de acuerdo con De Carreras.
Aunque un factor que
parece no tener en cuenta el profesor De Carreras
en su análisis es el desproporcionado número de
estudiantes universitarios. El problema no es sólamente que los
estudiantes reciban una formación inadecuada. Es que hay
en la Universidad que no deberían estar en ella. Estos estudiantes
están desperdiciando unos años muy
valiosos de su vida y unos recursos públicos no menos valiosos
en hacer algo que ni les interesa ni para lo cual están bien
capacitados. Y dejan al margen otras vías que les pueden
interesar y para las cuales sí tienen buenas cualidades.
El artículo
parece olvidar que en este país (y no es el único) hay mucha
Concurs de Programació de la UPC.