- Virtual reality inspection of chromatin 3D and 2D data, E. Molina, D. Kouřil, T. Isenberg, B. Kozlíková, P. Vázquez, Computers & Graphics (special issue VCBM 2024), open access PDF.
- Evaluating the Suitability of Long Document Embeddings for Classification Tasks: A Comparative Analysis, B. Rafieian, P. Vázquez, KDIR 2024, short paper, accepted.
- Are LLMs ready for Visualization?, P. Vázquez, Visualization Meets AI workshop, PacificVis 2024, (arxiv PDF).
- Scalability evaluation of forecasting methods applied to Bicycle Sharing Systems, A. Cortez, P. Vázquez, J.A. Sanchez-Espigares, Heliyon, Cell Press, DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e20129, (PDF).
- Improving dimensionality reduction projections for data visualization, B. Rafieian, P. Hermosilla, P. Vázquez, Applied Sciences, special issue AI Applied to Data Visualization, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app13179967, (PDF).
- Two-step techniques for accurate selection of small elements in VR environments, E. Molina, P. Vázquez, Graphical Models, (PDF), volume 128, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gmod.2023.101183.
- Effect of color palettes in heatmaps perception: a study, E. Molina, C. Middel, P. Vázquez, Eurovis, short papers, DOI: 10.2312/evs.20231039 (PDF)
- State of the Art of Molecular Visualization in Immersive Virtual Environments, D. Kuták, P. Vázquez, T. Isenberg, M. Krone, M. Baaden, J. Byska, B. Kozlíková, H. Miao, Computer Graphics Forum, (PDF).
- Visual analysis of multi-labelled temporal noise data from multiple sensors, J.-J. Franco-Moreno, P. Vázquez, Proc. VISIGRAPP 2023, (PDF)
- Out of the Plane: Flower vs. Star Glyphs to Support High-Dimensional Exploration in Two-Dimensional Embeddings, C. van Onzenoodt, P. Vázquez, T. Ropinski, IEEE TVCG, DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2022.3216919 (PDF).
- Accurate molecular atom selection in VR, E. Molina, P. Vázquez, Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics (STAG) 2022, EuroGraphics Digital Library, DOI: https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/stag20221257, (PDF)
- A visual tool for the analysis of usage trends of small and medium bicycle sharing systems, A. Cortez, J.A. Sánchez, P. Vázquez, Computers and Graphics, Vol. 109, December 2022, pages 30-41, (PDF).
- How should we use violin plots?, E. Molina, L. Viale, P. Vázquez, 4th IEEE VIS Workshop on Visualization Guidelines, DOI:10.1109/VisGuides57787.2022.00006, IEEE Xplore (link).
- Learning Human Viewpoint Preferences from Sparsely Annotated Models, S. Hartwig, M. Schelling, C. van Onzenoot, P. Vázquez, P. Hermosilla, T. Ropinski, Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 41, issue 6, (PDF), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14613.
- An empirical evaluation of document embeddings and similarity metrics for scientific articles, J. Gómez, P. Vázquez, vol. 12, number 11, Special issue "Advances in Artificial Intelligence Methods for Natural Language Processing", Applied Sciences journal (PDF), DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/app12115664.
- Visual Analysis of Environmental Noise Data, J. Franco-Moreno, R. Alsina-Pagès, Vázquez,P., Proc. 16th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP 2022), pp. 45-53, IADIS Press.
- Accurate molecular atom selection in VR, E. Molina, P. Vázquez, EuroVis 2022, poster (PDF).
- Visual Analysis of Large-Scale Protein-Ligand Interaction Data, K. Schatz, J.J. Franco-Moreno, M. Schäfer, A.S. Rose, V. Ferrario, J. Pleiss, P. Vázquez, T. Ertl, M. Krone, Computer Graphics Forum 40 (6), 394-408 (PDF) - DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.14386.
- Advanced Visual Interaction with Public Bicycle Sharing Systems, Cortez,A., Vázquez,P., Computer Science Research Notes (Proc. WSCG 2021), ISSN: 2464-4617, DOI: 10.24132/CSRN.2021.3002.23, (PDF).
- Analysis and Visual Exploration of Prediction Algorithms for Public Bicycle Sharing Systems, Cortez, A., Vázquez, P.,15th International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP 2021), IADIS Press (ISBN: 978-989-8704-32-0), pp: 61-70.
- TourVis: Narrative Visualization of Multi-Stage Bicycle Races, J. Díaz, M. Fort, and P. Vázquez, Computer Graphics Forum vol 4, num. 3 (special issue EuroVis 2021), pp: 531-542, DOI: 10.1111/cgf.14327, 2021 (link to CGF).
- Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation, M. Schelling, P. Hermosilla, P. Vázquez, and T. Ropinski, Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. EuroGraphics, 2021), Volume 40, Number 2, DOI 10.1111/cgf.142643, (PDF), 2021.
- Intrinsic-Extrinsic Convolution and Pooling for Learning on 3D Protein Structures, P. Hermosilla, M. Schäfer, M. Lang, G. Fackelmann, P. Vázquez, B. Kozlikova, M. Krone, T. Ritschel, T. Ropinski, International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2021, (PDF).
- Interactive framework for the visual exploration of colonic data, J. Males, E. Monclús, J. Díaz, I. Navazo, P. Vázquez, Computers & Graphics (accepted, pre-print PDF), DOI: 10.1016/j.cag.2020.06.005
- Invited talk: Molecular Visualization in Virtual Reality: challenges and opportunities, P. Vázquez, MolVA 2020 – 3rd Workshop on Molecular Graphics and Visual Analysis of Molecular Data (youtube link)
- ProteiNN: Intrinsic-Extrinsic Convolution and Pooling for Scalable Deep Protein Analysis, P. Hermosilla, M. Schäfer, M. Lang, G. Fackelmann, P. Vázquez, B. Kozlíková, M. Krone, T. Ritschel, T. Ropinski. arXiv:2007.06252, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2007.06252.
- Enabling Viewpoint Learning through Dynamic Label Generation, M. Schelling, P. Hermosilla, P. Vazquez and T. Ropinski, arXiv:2003.04651, 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.04651.
- Multilingual, Multi-scale and Multi-layer Visualization of Intermediate Representations, C. Escolano, Marta R. Costa-jussà, E. Lacroux, P. Vázquez, Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) and 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP), demo paper (arxiv PDF), 2019
- Visual Analysis of Research Paper Collections Using Normalized Relative Compression, P. Vázquez, Entropy, 21, article number 612 (22 pages), 2019. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/e21060612. (PDF)
- Colonic content assessment from MRI imaging using a semi-automatic approach, V. Ceballos, E. Monclús, P. Vázquez, Á. Bendezú, M. Mego, X. Merino, F. Azpiroz, I. Navazo, EuroGraphics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2019
- A Web-based Application for the Visual Exploration of Colon Morphology Data, J. Males, E. Monclús, J. Díaz, P. Vázquez, EuroGraphics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2019 (short paper)
- Visualization of large Molecular Trajectories, D. Duran-Rossich, P. Hermosilla, T. Ropinski, B. Kozlikova, À. Vinacua, P. Vázquez, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 25 (1), 2019, Special issue IEEE VIS 2018, (PDF) DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2018.2864851
- Monte Carlo Convolution for Learning on Non-Uniformly Sampled Point Clouds, P. Hermosilla, T. Ristchel, P. Vázquez, À. Vinacua, T. Ropinski, ACM Transactions on Computer Graphics, 37(6), article 235 (12 pages), Arxiv preprint PDF, (Special issue SIGGRAPH Asia 2018), DOI: 10.1145/3272127.3275110
- Improving Perception Accuracy in Bar Charts with Internal Contrast and Framing Enhancements, J. Díaz-Iriberri, O. Meruvia-Pastor, P. Vázquez, Proc. International Conference on Information Visualization, Salerno (Italy), pp. 159-168 (preprint PDF)
- Improving perception of molecular surface visualizations by incorporating translucency effects, P. Hermosilla, S. Maisch, P. Vázquez, T. Ropinski, Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pp. 185-195, Granada (Spain), 2018 (preprint PDF)
- A General Illumination Model for Molecular Visualization, P. Hermosilla, P. Vázquez, À. Vinacua, T. Ropinski, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 37, number 3, pages 367-378, Special issue EuroVis 2018, (PDF): DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/cgf.13426
- Visual Analysis of Protein-ligand Interactions, P. Vázquez, P. Hermosilla, V. Guallar, J. Estrada, and À. Vinacua, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol 37, number 3, pages 391-402, Special issue EuroVis 2018, (CGF link), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/cgf.13428
- Progressive Ray Casting for Volumetric Models on Mobile Devices, Jesús Díaz-García, Pere Brunet, Isabel Navazo, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Computers & Graphics, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2018.02.007, 73, pp. 1-16. Online version
- Rendering and interacting with volume models in inmmersive environments. J. Fons, E. Monclús, P. Vázquez, I. Navazo, CEIG 18: XXVIII Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, 47-50. (preprint PDF)
- NPR techniques using the Geometry Shader, P. Hermosilla and P. Vázquez, GPU Pro 360 Guide to Rendering, re-edited, pp. 33-49, 2018
- Mobile Graphics Course, M. Agus, E. Gobbetti, F. Marton, G. Pintore, P. Vázquez, SIGGRAPH Asia 2017, November 28 (slides).
- Semi-automatic Colonic Content Analysis for Diagnostic, V. Ceballos, E. Monclús, P. Vázquez, A. Bendezú, M. Mego, X. Merino, I. Navazo, F. Azpiroz. EuroVis 2017 - 19th EG/VGTC Conference on Visualization, poster. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.2312/eurp.20171184
- Downsampling and Storage of Pre-Computed Gradients for Volume Rendering, J. Díaz-García, P. Brunet, I. Navazo, P. Vázquez, Proc. of CEIG EuroGraphics Spanish Chapter Conference on Computer Graphics, link to EG Digital Library.
- Interactive GPU-based Generation of Solvent Excluded Surfaces, P. Hermosilla, M. Krone, V. Guallar, À. Vinacua, P. Vázquez, T. Ropinski, The Visual Computer (Proc. CGI), Volume 33, Issue 6–8, pp 869–881, 2017, link to Springer. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00371-017-1397-2
- Downsampling Methods for Medical Datasets, J. Díaz-García, P. Brunet, I. Navazo, P. Vázquez, Proc. IADIS Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, (PDF) 2017.
- Mobile Graphics Tutorial, M. Agus, E. Gobbetti, F. Marton, G. Pintore, P. Vázquez, EuroGraphics Tutorials, tutorial webpage, 2017.
- Physics-based Visual Characterization of Molecular Interaction Forces, P. Hermosilla, J. Estrada, V. Guallar, T. Ropinski, À. Vinacua, P. Vázquez, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proc. IEEE Vis) 2016 (PDF). DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2016.2598825
- Adaptive Transfer Functions. Improved Multiresolution Visualization of Medical Models, Jesús Díaz-García, Pere Brunet, Isabel Navazo, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Frederic Pérez, The Visual Computer (Special issue Computer Graphics International), 2016, (PDF).
- An experimental study on the effects of shading in 3D perception of volumetric models, José Díaz, Timo Ropinski, Isabel Navazo, Enrico Gobbetti, Pere-Pau Vázquez, The Visual Computer, 2016, (PDF), DOI: 10.1007/s00371-015-1151-6
- Optimized Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion in Mobile Devices, Marc Sunet and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. Web3D 2016, (link to ACM Digital Library)
- Optimized Skin Rendering for scanned models, Roger Hernando, Antoni Chica, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. Winter School in Computer Graphics 2016 (PDF).
- A software framework for the development of projection-based Augmented Reality Systems, M. Sunet, M. Comino, D. Karatzas, A. Chica, P. Vázquez, Proc. IADIS Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, 2016 (PDF)
- Enhanced Magnification for Reduced Movement in Virtual Reality Environments, E. Monclús, I. Navazo, P. Vázquez. IADIS Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, 2016, (PDF).
- Human-Document Interaction - a new frontier for document image analysis, D. Karatzas, V. Poulain, M. Rusiñol, A. Chica, P. Vázquez, International Symposium on Document Data Analysis, 2016 (link to IEEEXplore).
- Real-Time Molecular Visualization Supporting Diffuse Illumination and Ambient Occlusion, Robin Skanberg, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Víctor Guallar, and Timo Ropinski, IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Special issue IEEE VIS), 2015, (PDF). DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2015.2467293
- High quality illustrative effects for molecular rendering, Pedro Hermosilla, Víctor Guallar, Pere-Pau Vázquez, and Àlvar Vinacua, Computers & Graphics (Special issue CAD & Graphics), (journal link), 2015. DOI 10.1016/j.cag.2015.07.017
- Instant Visualization of Secondary Structures of Molecular Models, Pedro Hermosilla, Víctor Guallar, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Àlvar Vinacua, Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, 2015, DOI: 10.2312/vcbm.20151208, (PDF).
- Perceptual effects of volumetric shading models in stereoscopic desktop-based environments, José Díaz, Timo Ropinski, Isabel Navazo, Enrico Gobbetti, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Computer Graphics International, 2015, (PDF)
- Adaptive on-the-fly molecular ribbons generation, Pedro Hermosilla, Víctor Guallar, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Àlvar Vinacua, EuroVis 2015, poster
- Feature-Preserving Downsampling for Medical Images, Jesús Díaz-García, Pere Brunet, Isabel Navazo, Frederic Pérez, Pere-Pau Vázquez, EuroVis 2015, poster
- InclineType: An Accelerometer-based Typing Approach for Smartwatches, Timo Götzelmann, Pere-Pau Vázquez. Proc. of XVI International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, pp 59:1-59:4, 2015, (PDF)
- Data-Aware Picking for Medical Models, Eva Monclús, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Isabel Navazo, Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics -- Theory and Applications, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-44911-0_4, 2014
- Minimizing User Movement with Zoom in Place, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Eva Monclús, Isabel Navazo, 2nd International Workshop on Immersive Volumetric Interaction, 2014
- DAAPMed: a data-aware anchor point selection tool for medical Models in VR environments, Eva Monclús, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Isabel Navazo, Proc. International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Best Paper Award, 2013
- Morpho-volumetric measurement tools for abdominal distension diagnose, Monclús, E.; Muñoz, I.; Navazo, M.; Vázquez, P.; Accarino, A.; Barba, E.; Quiroga, S.; Azpiroz, F., Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, 2013
- Adaptive Cross-Sections of Anatomical models, José Díaz, Eva Monclús, Isabel Navazo, and Pere-Pau Vázquez. Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue Pacific Graphics), 2012 (PDF). DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2012.03208.x
- Fast Illustrative Visualization of Fiber Tracts, Jesús Díaz and Pere-Pau Vázquez, International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2012 (link to Springer)
- Practical Volume Rendering on Mobile Devices, Marcos Balsa and Pere-Pau Vázquez, International Symposium on Visual Computing, 2012 (PDF)
- Full High Dynamic Range Images for Dynamic Scenes, R. Ramírez-Orozco, I. Martín, C. Loscos, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, SPIE Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Multimedia Applications, 2012, Best Student Paper Award (PDF)
- Uncertainty Visualization of Brain Fibers, P. Hermosilla, R. Brecheisen, P.-P. Vázquez, and A. Vilanova, Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, 2012 (PDF)
- Multi-Modal Medical Image Registration Using Normalized Compression Distance, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Jordi Marco, IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 47-63 ISSN: 1646-3692, 2012
- Rendering and interacting with volume models in inmmersive environments. J. Fons, E. Monclús, P. Vázquez, I. Navazo, CEIG 18: XXVIII Spanish Computer Graphics Conference, 47-50. (PDF)
- Using Normalized Compression Distance for Image Similarity Measurement: An experimental study, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Jordi Marco, The Visual Computer, 2011 (link to Springer).
- Accurate Multi-Modal Image Registration Using Compression, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Jordi Marco, IADIS Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing, 2011 (PDF)
- Efficient Selection of Representative Views and Navigation Paths for Volume Data Exploration, Eva Monclús, Pere-Pau Vázquez, and Isabel Navazo, Visualization in Medicine and Life Sciences, Linsen, L.; Hagen, H. Hamann, B. Hege, H.-C. (Eds), Ed. Springer, Mathematics and Visualization Series, ISBN 978-3-642-21607-7, 2011 (link to Springer).
- The ViRVIG Institute, C. Andújar, I. Navazo, Pere-Pau Vázquez, G. Patow, and X. Pueyo, SBC Journal on 3D Interactive Systems, 2011 (PDF)
2010 and before
- Realtime Ambient Occlusion and Halos with Summed Area Tables, José Díaz, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Florent Duguet, Isabel Navazo, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 34, Num. 4, pp 337--350, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cag.2010.03.005, 2010 (PDF)
- Depth-enhanced Maximum Intensity Projection, José Díaz and Pere-Pau Vázquez, IEEE/EG Volume Graphics, pp 93--100, 2010 (PDF)
- Cost-effective Feature Enhancement for volume datasets, José Díaz, Jordi Marco, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, 2010 (PDF)
- NPR techniques using the Geometry Shader, Pedro Hermosilla and Pere-Pau Vázquez, GPU Pro: Advanced Rendering - Rendering Techniques, pp. 149-165, 2010
- Automatic view selection through depth-based view stability analysis, Pere-Pau Vázquez, The Visual Computer, Vol. 25, Num. 5, pp 441--449, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00371-009-0326-4, 2009 (PDF)
- The Virtual Magic Lantern: an interaction metaphor for enhanced medical data inspection, Eva Monclús, José Díaz, Pere-Pau Vázquez, and Isabel Navazo, 16th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp 119--122, 2009 (PDF)
- An interactive 3D framework for anatomical education, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Knut Hartmann, Timo Götzelmann, Andreas Nürnberger, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Vol 3, Number 6, pp. 511-524. Ed. Elsevier, ISSN: 1861-6410, 2008 (PDF)
- Rendering Falling Leaves on Graphics Hardware, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Marcos Balsa, International Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 2008 (PDF)
- Vicinity Occlusion Maps: Enhanced Depth Perception of Volumetric Models, José Díaz, Héctor Yela, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Computer Graphics International (CGI), pp 56--63, 2008 (PDF)
- Single Pass GPU Stylized Edges, Pedro Hermosilla and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. of Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, 2008
- Representative Views and Paths for Volume Models, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Eva Monclús, and Isabel Navazo, Smart Graphics, 2008
- 3D virtual model for training in endoscopical repair of subcondilar fractures of the mandible, J. A. Hueto, G. Raspall, E. Monclús, P. Vázquez, J. Díaz, and I. Navazo, International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Special issue 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Computer Aided Surgery, 2008
- S3Dc: A 3Dc-based Volume Compression Algorithm, Héctor Yela, Isabel Navazo, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica (CEIG), 2008 (PDF)
- Automatic Light Source Placement for Maximum Visual Information Recovery, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Computer Graphics Forum, number 2, pages 143-156, 2008 (PDF)
- Omni-directional Relief Impostors, Carlos Andújar, Javier Boo, Pere Brunet, Marta Fairén, Isabel Navazo, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Alvar Vinacua, Computer Graphics Forum, (Special issue EuroGraphics), 2007 (link to Wiley)
- MTCut: GPU-based Marching Tetra Cuts, Eva Monclús, Isabel Navazo, Pere-Pau Vázquez, International Conference of Theory and Practice of Computer Graphics, 2007 (PDF)
- Correlating Text and Images: Concept and Evaluation, T. Götzelmann, P. Vázquez, K. Hartmann, A. Nürnberger, T. Strothotte, Smart Graphics, 2007 (PDF)
- Tessellation-Independent Best View Selection, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Carlos Andújar, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence (3IA), 2007 (PDF)
- Mutual Text-Image Queries, T.Götzelmann, P. Vázquez, K. Hartmann, T. Gerber, A. Nürnberger, T. Strothotte, Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, 2007 (PDF)
- Real Time Falling Leaves, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Marcos Balsa, International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (GRAPP), 2007 (PDF)
- Realtime automatic selection of good molecular views, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert and Antoni Llobet, Computers & Graphics, Volume 30, Issue 1, Pages 98-110, 2006 (link to Elsevier)
- A programmable Tutor for OpenGL Transformations, Carlos Andújar and Pere-Pau Vázquez, EuroGraphics, Education Session, 2006
- Generación de penumbras con hardware gráfico, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Dani Susín, Novática, 2005
- Way-Finder: guided tours through complex walkthrough models, Carlos Andújar, Pere-Pau Vázquez, and Marta Fairén, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol. 23 (3), pp. 499-508, 2004 (PDF)
- Bandwidth Reduction for Remote Navigation Systems Through View Prediction and Progressive Transmission, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Future Generation Computer Systems International Journal, Volume 20, Issue 8, Pages 1251-1262, 2004
- Virtual Museums: New Added-Value for Museums Web Sites, J. Majó, J. Martínez, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism (ENTER'04), 2004 (PDF)
- Point-Based Modeling from a Single Image, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Jordi Marco and Mateu Sbert, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Special issue ICCS'2004), vol. 3039, pp. 245-251, 2004 (PDF)
- On the fly selection of best views using graphics hardware, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, 4th IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Image, and Image Processing, VIIP, 2004 (PDF)
- Dinamización de las páginas web de los museos, J. Majó, J. Martínez, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. V Congreso Turismo y Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones, TURITEC, 2004
- Automatic View Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy and its Application to Image-Based Rendering, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert, and Wolfgang Heidrich, Computer Graphics Forum, 22(4), pp. 689-700, 2003 (PDF)
- Perception-based illumination information measurement and light source placement, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 2669, pp. 306-316, Proc. of ICCSA, 2003 (PDF)
- Automatic Indoor Scene Exploration, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Proc. of 6th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, pp. 13-24, Limoges, France, 2003
- Fast adaptive selection of best views, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 2669, (Proc. of ICCSA), 2003
- Automatic Keyframe Selection Techniques for High-Quality Image-Based Walkthrough Animation Using Viewpoint Entropy, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Journal of WSCG, (Special Issue Winter School in Computer Graphics), Volume 10, No.1, Pages 461-468, ISSN 1213-6972, 2002
- Bandwidth Reduction Techniques for Remote Navigation Systems, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Mateu Sbert, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, number 2330, pp. 249-257, Proc. of International Conference on Computer Science, 2002
- Image-based Modeling Using Viewpoint Entropy, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert, and Wolfgang Heidrich, Computer Graphics International, 2002 (PDF)
- Viewpoint Entropy: A New Tool for Obtaining Good Views for Molecules, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert and Antoni Llobet, Eurographics/IEEE TCVG Symposium on Data Visualisation 2002 (PDF)
- Applications of Information Theory to Computer Graphics, Mateu Sbert, Miquel Feixas, Jaume Rigau, Francesc Castro, and Pere-Pau Vázquez, Proc. of 5th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, 3IA, 2002 (PDF)
- Viewpoint Selection Using Viewpoint Entropy, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Miquel Feixas, Mateu Sbert and Wolfgang Heidrich, Vision, Modeling, and Visualization, T.Ertl, B. Girod, G.Greiner, H. Niemann, H.-P. Seidel (Eds.), pages 273-280, 2001 (PDF)
- Unified Approach to Prefiltered Environment Maps, Jan Kautz, Pere-Pau Vázquez-Alcocer, Wolfgang Heidrich and Hans-Peter Seidel, 11th EuroGraphics Workshop on Rendering, 2000 (PDF)
- El formato textual MDTL, Pere-Pau Vázquez and Pere Brunet, XIX Congreso Español de Informática Gráfica, short paper, 1999
PhD thesis
- On the Selection of Good Views and its Application to Computer Graphics, Pere-Pau Vázquez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (PDF). PhD in Software, Best PhD thesis award, 2003.
- EuroGraphics Executive Board: I am the current adjunct to secretary of the EuroGraphics association.
- EuroVis Steering Committee: I am member of the EuroVis Steering Committee, and serving as secretary.
- EG VCBM Steering Committee: SI am also a member of the EuroGraphics Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine Steering Committee.
- Information Visualization. Grau en Ciència i Enginyeria de Dades
- Fast Realistic Rendering. Màster MIRI
- Data Visualization. Màster MDS & Màster MEI
- Scientific Visualization. Màster MIRI
- Visualització d'imatges mèdiques 2D i 3D. Màster Enginyeria Biomèdica
- Virtual Reality and serious games. Màster en Neuroenginyeria i rehabilitació
Former PhD students
- Alexandra Cortez, PhD: "The dynamics of bike sharing systems: advancements in analytics tools"
- Jesús Díaz, PhD: "Visualization of large volumetric models in commodity hardware"
- Pedro Hermosilla, PhD: "Advanced inspection techniques for molecular simulations", now Assistant Professor at TU Wien, his current website
- José Díaz, PhD: "Enhanced Perception in Volume Visualization", now associate profesor at Universitat de Vic (Google Scholar profile)
- Eva Monclús, PhD: "Advanced interaction techniques for medical models", now at Computer Science Department, UPC
Former Master students
- Arturo Martínez: Visual exploration of plants and animals in tropical forests
- Guillem Pérez Delgado: Advanced techniques for atmospheric effects
- Àlex Viñas Termes: App for services offers
- Konstantinos Kazatzis: Molecular Visualization in Virtual Reality
- Enric Giner: Mobile application for maintenance tasks monitoring
- Pamela Castro: Mobile application for detecting allergens in recipes
- Le Danny Yang: Chat application for Android with multiple languages
- Elora Lacroux: Machine translation and visualization
- Miguel Angel Elez-Villaroel: Visualization of multiple molecular simulation paths
- David Duran: Visualization of large molecular trajectories
- Jan Males: Visualization of colonic content segmentations
- Aline Sindel: Visual comparison of medical registration results, U. Erlangen
- Marc Sunet: Ambient occlusion techniques for mobile devices, now at NVidia
- Roger Hernando: Realistic rendering of human skin
- Wenceslao Sanchez: Visualization of data in mobile devices
- Marcos Balsa: Volume Models in Mobile Devices, PhD in Computer Graphics from CRS4 (Cagliari)
- Federico Valencia: Volume models in mobile devices
- Jesús García: Halo-based visualization of brain fiber tracts
- Pedro Hermosilla: Illustrative visualization of brain fibers
- Anna Bellido: Comparison of facial animation algorithms
- Carles Torta: Molecular docking in a VR environment