About usWe are a multidisciplinary group with researchers in formal methods, natural language processing, process mining, business process management and data science. We do fundamental research in most of these areas, and apply our techniques either by developing open-source platforms or by collaborating in industrial projects.
The members of the group belong either to the ALBCOM research group, to the TALP research center or to the LARCA research group.
We do fundamental research in process discovery, conformance checking and process enhancement.
We are interested in the link between natural language understanding and business process management.
We have an industrial collaboration to apply data science in the energy field.
Data science techniques for optimizing the waste of energy produced by fraud, irregularities and structural network problems.
A platform to bridge NLP and BPM. In this project we develope different algorithms and some datasets that can be downloaded here.
Process Mining scripting environment PMLAB is an interactive programming environment for (exploratory) process mining computing and/or research on top of a process-oriented language.
Using Natural Language Descriptions for Business Process Modelling
Learning Improvement using AI
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