Albert Calvo - Personal Website

I am a Research Engineer at i2cat Foundation and a PhD Candidate in Computer Science at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. My research focuses on Artificial Intelligence, specifically on making Artificial Intelligence safe in terms of robustness and transparency and their applications in the Cybersecurity domain. To date, my research has been disseminated some of the top-nothc conferences including ECAI, DSAA, as well as premier Cybersecurity symposiums like TF-FIRST.

Furthermore, I am an assistant professor at the Computer Science department, where I teach different subjects and have supervised several degree and master’s theses.

About me

I obtained my BSc in Computer Science at FIB-UPC (2016 - Barcelona). Later, I earned an MSc in Communications and Information Management from UPM (2017 - Madrid). After that, I pursued another MSc in Innovation and Research in Informatics with a minor in Data Science, and I conducted my master’s thesis at the Distributed Information System Laboratory (2018 - Barcelona, Lausanne).