Professor | Office |
Phone |
Tutoring |
Miquel Sŕnchez i Marrč | OMEGA building, 2nd floor, office 203 Campus Nord | | 93 413 78 41 |
To convene by e-mail |
Day | Hour | Room |
Professor |
Thursday |
15-17 | BUILDING B4, B4002 |
M. Sŕnchez-Marrč |
Change of schedule: September 26th,
2023 has a Monday schedule
1. Introduction: Description of the aims of the course. Description of the team works. Information about the IS project timeline. Deliverables of the IS project. Examples of past ISP projects
2. Problem Analysis: Problem Feature Analysis. Information/Data Analysis. Viability Analysis. Economic Analysis. Environmental and Sustainability Analysis.
3. Definition of the Intelligent System project issues: Definition of main goals of the IS project. Definition of sub-goals. Task Analysis.
4. Development of an Intelligent System Project: Project Management Technologies. Data/Information Extraction. Data Mining & Knowledge Acquisition Process. Knowledge/Ontological Analysis. Planning and selection of Intelligent/Statistical/Mathematical Methods/Techniques. Construction of Models and implementation of Techniques. Module Integration. Validation of Models/Techniques. Comparison of Techniques. Proposed Solution.
5. Intelligent System Project Output: Executive Summary. Project System Documentation: User's Manual, System Manual. Project Schedule (Gantt's Chart). The Project Time Sheet.
6. Intelligent Methods and Models: Review of main Intelligent Methods available.
7. Software tools: Review of main software tools available.
1. Introduction
2. Problem Analysis
3. Definition of the ISP Issues
4. Development of an Intelligent System Project
5. Intelligent System Project Output
6. Intelligent Methods and Models
7. Software Tools
The Intelligent System project will be developed by each teamwork of 4 or 3 people.
The project has 4 milestones (MS1: Definition of the Project, MS2: Midterm Reporting, MS3: Final software and documentation, MS4: Public Project Exposition and Defense) and the five associated deliverables of the project are:
MS1-D1 – Definition of the Project Document
MS1-D1 is due on: September 28th, 2023
MS2-D2 – Midterm Document
MS2-D2 is due on: November 16th, 2023
MS3-D3 – Final Document
MS3-D4 – Software Delivery
MS3-D3 and MS3-D4 are due on: January 14th, 2024
MS4-D5 – Presentation slides document for the Public defense of the project
MS4-D5 is due on January 15th, 2024
Past ISP
- Analysing and interpreting tweets related to weather: talking about the past or about the future, making some sentiment/mood analysis
- Detecting talks about topics of interest related to some business in the Linkedin Network (WhoTalk)
- A prediction system for bike and spot availabilities (Bicing predictor)
- A recommendation engine for movies. (BAGmovies)
- Image Search Engine for same style images
- PCC - Parrot Communication with children - An intelligent interaction system for children with difficult emotion expressing skills, through a flying drone with camera
- An online dating system based on "" (PartnerTIP)
- Robust Euro Notes Classification (Adversarial Attack-Defense)
- Meeting the right people
- A Classification System for fictional stories
- Answering Machine (Question Answering)
- Finding Lost Pets
- Cookit
- Deduplication engine
- Market Price Suggestion
- Multi-Modal Emotion Classifier
- Automatic Piano fingering through data-driven knowledge
- Gun Detection on images via MRCNN
- Sharesio (Secure and convenient photo sharing)
- An Intelligent System for Stock Market Prediction
- Face Interpolator
- Midi to Tab: Automatic generation of guitar tablatures
- Money tracker
- Children History Generator
- Music Generator
- Automatic Mail Generator
- Person Counting System
- Tweet Analyzer
- Genie in the Market
- ArtIST (Artificial Image Style Transfer)
- Know Your Customer (KYC)
- Mean Meme Detector
- Music Style Classifier
- CoachMe
- SlamDunker: NLP Troll Detection
Complementary References
- Russell, Stuart and Norvig, Peter. Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach. Prentice Hall, 2010, ISBN: 0-13-207148-7.
- John W. Creswell & J. David Creswell. Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. SAGE Publications, Inc. Fifth Edition, 2018. ISBN: 978-1506386768
- Gary Thomas. How to Do Your Research Project: A Guide for Students. SAGE Publications Ltd, 2017; Third edition. ISBN: 978-1473948877
- Robert McCarthy. Agile and Scrum: Unlock the Power of Agile Project Management, Lean Thinking, the Kanban Process, and Scrum. Independently published, july 2020. ISBN: 979-8671202885
- Andrew Stellman & Jennifer Greene. Learning Agile: Understanding Scrum, XP, Lean, and Kanban. O'Reilly Media, 2014. ISBN: 978-1449331924
- IEEE Intelligent Systems JournaL
- International Journal of Intelligent Systems
- Applied Intelligence Journal. The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, Neural Networks, and Complex Problem-Solving Technologies.
- ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST)