Javier Vázquez Salceda
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 Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group (KEMLg)Knowledge Engineering and Machine Learning Group (KEMLg)

 Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)

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   Current Projects


The SUPERHUB project aims at realizing a new services mobility framework supporting an integrated and eco-efficient use of multi-modal mobility systems in an urban setting.

SUPERHUB provides a user-centric, integrated approach to multi-modal smart urban mobility systems, through an open platform able to consider in real time various mobility offers and provide a set of mobility services able to address user needs, promote user participation and to foster environmental friendly and energy efficient behavioural changes. Moreover, the take-up of virtuous behaviours, characterized by a reduced environmental footprint, is also facilitated by the SUPERHUB open platform matchmaking and negotiation capabilities between (public-private) providers and consumers of mobility offers and by the use of persuasive technologies to achieve wide adoption of results.

To achieve these objectives SUPERHUB will develop a persuasive engine based on captology principles to facilitate the voluntary adoption of environmentally-friendly multi-mobility habits, novel methods and tools for real-time reasoning on large data streams coming from heterogeneous sources, new algorithms and protocols for inferring traffic conditions from mobile users by coupling data from mobile operator networks with information coming from GPS based mobile phones and for dynamic matchmaking or resources that will generate journey plans best fulfilling user mobility needs and preferences while minimizing negative environmental impact.

Specific services and user studies will be realized to demonstrate the SUPERHUB concepts and technologies through field trials in Barcelona, Helsinki and Milan, involving large end-users communities. Results of SUPERHUB field trials shall influence local policy makers and municipalities in the definition of new energy-aware mobility strategies and planning.





Organisations today are faced with massive globalization, demanding customers with rapidly changing desires, shrinking response times, shrinking product lifecycles and demanding employees. This requires organisations to become fast, flexible, participative and focused on customers, competition, teams, time and processes.

Integration is an important issue for SMEs who are not only seeking ways to bring together disparate systems within the organization, they must also move to extend the whole commercial domain beyond the boundaries of the organization to include other technologies, their suppliers, trading partners and customers. Integrating SME’s systems with their customers and their trading partners will give SMEs greater advantages to compete with larger companies or their competitors.

An exhaustive assessment of Cloud Computing trends, markets and technologies, showed the need for the RAISME platform to be specifically tailored for SMEs. The RAISME platform is Open Source and forms the basis of a community consisting of individuals, teams and organizations working to build world-class and innovative services.

RAISME enables high-tech organisations with niche skills to rapidly build and scale innovative ICT applications. This is achieved through the collaborative use of advanced “mashup” technology and cloud computing. The RAISME SMEs are at the vanguard of a new business paradigm where the end-user becomes part of the product development lifecycle, thus accelerating it, and where collaboration allows faster exploitation of knowledge and productivity. Initial RAISME partners who have already developed state-of-the-art visualisation, optimisation and integration tools that will be able boot-strap a series of new applications and then deliver highly innovative knowledge services to the market.



   Past Projects


New generations of networked applications – based on the notion of software services that can be dynamically deployed, adjusted and composed – will make it possible to create radically new types of software systems. In turn, this will require profound changes in the way in which software systems are designed, deployed and managed. This means exchanging current, primarily top-down ‘design in isolation’ engineering for new approaches based on integrating new functionalities and behaviours into existing running systems of already active, distributed and interdependent processes.

ALIVE has developed new approaches to the engineering of distributed software systems based on the adaptation of coordination and organisation mechanisms, often seen in human and other societies, to Service Oriented Architectures. Such methods provide robust descriptions of distributed systems and make the development of complex software systems more accessible to non-specialists.

ALIVE provides a range of new results, including both theoretical and practical developments.

  • The project has developed a new framework for the design, deployment and management of serviceoriented systems using a sound theoretical foundation for the organisational aspects.
  • ALIVE has provided new methodological guidelines, concrete modelling languages and their implementation to capture organisational, coordination and service levels.

The project results are open and reusable, and can be dowloaded in the project site.




CONTRACT is a research project funded by the European Commission in the context of the 6th Framework Program. The aim of the project is develop frameworks, components and tools which make it possible to model, build, verify and monitor distributed electronic business systems on the basis of dynamically generated, cross-organisational contracts which underpin formal descriptions of the expected behaviours of individual services and the system as a whole.

The project covers both theoretical and practical aspects and the resulting systems will make it possible to:

  • specify electronic business-to-business interactions in terms of contracts,
  • dynamically establish and manage contracts at runtime in a digital business environment,
  • apply formal verification techniques to collections of contracts in a digital business environment,
  • apply monitoring techniques to contract implementation in order to help provide the basis for business confidence in e-Business infrastructures.

Project results include publicly available theoretical models, a reusable contracting language specification, open source software components compatible with leading e-Business environments and tools implementing innovative verification techniques which make it possible to check the properties of contract based business systems both at design time and runtime.





The Provenance Project has defined an open provenance architecture, an architecture for provenance systems, based on an open data model, allowing explicit documentation of past processes to be expressed, and a set of public interfaces allowing the creation, recording and querying of such process documentation.

The Provenance project also produced a software implementation of this architecture, its integration with several Grid toolkits, as well as a series of tools operating against its open interfaces and data models. Such an approach offers multiple benefits to the users who have interacted with a deployment of the provenance architecture, including medical users and users in the aerospace domain.




 jvazquez@lsi.upc.edu, Tue Jan 03 14:20 CET 2012