Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Computer Science Department, Building Omega, Office 113
Jordi Girona, 1-3
08034 Barcelona
Phone: (+34) 93 413 7815
Fax: (+34) 93 413 7833
I am an Associate Professor (Professor Agregat / Profesor Contratado Doctor) at the Computer Science Departament of the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC in Barcelona, Spain.
I am currently working on Boolean Satisfiability (SAT), Satisfiability Modulo
Theories (SMT)
and their applications (I am one of the members of the LOGPROG
Research Group, and collaborator of Barcelogic). I have also
worked on invariant
inference for system verification.
- Logics in Computer Science (Bachelor in Informatics Engineering)
- Algorithms (Bachelor in Mathematics)
- Algorithms and Programming III (Bachelor in Data Science)
- Combinatorial Problem Solving (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics)
- Algorithmic Methods for Mathematical Models (Master in Innovation and Research in Informatics)