
We will be using Python 2.7, if you use linux, it will be easy to install the python interpreter and standard libraries on your computer.

The anaconda distribution is specifically designed for data analysis and can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux. The default installation has most of the software that we will use.

Most of the code libraries you can install using easy_install or pip in your python distribution.
  • Code for the examples and Python notebooks for the course (datasets used)
  • AMLT-learn (python library of the course in github, installable using pip)
  • scikit-learn (machine learning algorithms)
  • PyMVPA (machine leaning algoritms)
  • pyclustering (clustering algorithms)
  • scipy (numerical routines and data structures)
  • numpy (numerical routines and datastructures)
  • pandas (datastructures and routines for data analysis)
  • statsmodels (statistical routines)
  • matplotlib (graphics)
  • seaborn (graphics)
  • networkx, igraph (datastructures and algorithms for graphs)
  • pyfim (frequent items discovery algorithms)