
    Alfredo Vellido

I am currently a full professor (formerly a Ramón y Cajal researcher) at CS / UPC, and part of the SOCO SGR Research Group and the IDEAI Research Center.
Member of the
CIBER-BBN, IABiomed and the IEEE-CIS Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Technical Committee ,
in which I am Chair of the
Explainable Machine Learning (EXML) Task Force and a member of the Task Force on Medical Data Analysis.
Member of the Editorial Boards of PLoS ONE, Neural Processing Letters and Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, Medicine and Public Health.

Deputy Academic Director of the CS Department at UPC.

Special Sessions Currently Organized
The Coming of Age of Explainable AI (XAI) and Machine Learning, IJCNN 2023,
(Queensland, Australia)
Explainable AI in Healthcare (XAI-Healthcare 2023) Workshop, AIME 2023, (Portoroz, Slovenia)
Analysis of Molecular Dynamics Data in Proteomics, IWBBIO 2023, (Gran Canaria, Spain)
Some invited talks: 
Impact of IA in the Health sector (In Spanish, Diada de les TIC a Catalunya '23): youtube video
Workshop on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
(UPF, Barcelona, Spain), 2019

Science for Dialysis Meeting: Artif
icial Intelligence
at Bellvitge University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain), 2018
"Social beasts: societal challenges of AI and ML in medicine"
(youtube video) 

Some past conferences/special sessions/workshops over the last five years: 
ESANN 2021 (virtual event) "Interpretable Models in Machine Learning and Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
IJCNN 2021 (virtual event) "Transparent and Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Health"
WCCI/IJCNN 2020 (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) "Explainable Computational/Artificial Intelligence Methods
IJCNN 2019 (Budapest, Hungary) "Explainable Machine Learning
IDEAL 2019 (Manchester, UK)
"Machine Learning in Healthcare"
ESANN 2019 (Bruges, Belgium) "Societal Issues in Machine Learning: When Learning from Data is Not Enough"

WSOM+2019 Conference in Barcelona, Spain
(June 26-28, 2019)

                 CONTACT: alfredo.vellido _at_ upc _dot_ edu

                research       publications       bio        teaching