Call For Papers

    Twelfth International Conference on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

                 Sofia, Bulgaria, 17 - 18 May 2008

Conference Chairs :
     Janusz KACPRZYK (Poland)
     Krassimir ATANASSOV (Bulgaria)

Program Committee:
     Adrian BAN (Romania)
     Ranjit BISWAS (India)
     Humberto BUSTINCE (Spain)
     Pahagiotis CHOUNTAS (UK)
     Chris CORNELIS (Belgium)
     Elia EL-DARZI (UK)
     Stefan HADJITODOROV (Bulgaria)
     Etienne KERRE (Belgium)
     Taekyun KIM (Korea)
     Ketti PEEVA (Bulgaria)
     Pedro MELO-PINTO (Portugal)
     Anthony SHANNON (Australia)
     Eulalia SZMIDT (Poland)

Organizing Committee:
     Peter GEORGIEV (Bulgaria)
     Desislava PENEVA (Bulgaria)
     Evgeni POPOV (Bulgaria)
     Pavel TCHESHMEDJIEV (Bulgaria)
     Peter VASSILEV (Bulgaria)

The aim of this meeting is to gather specialists interested in
intuitionistic fuzziness and to give them floor for discussions on
theoretical and practical aspects of this relatively new area of fuzzy
set theory.

Topics :
     All theoretical and applied results related to intuitionistic

Deadlines :
     15 March 2008
        Submission of the camera-ready texts in English.

     15 April 2007
        Notification of acceptance.

     1 May 2007
        Submission of registration form and the final camera-ready

     16 and 17 May 2007
        Registration at the Centre for Biomedical Engineering
        of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia

Instructions to the authors :
     Papers should not exceed 8 A4 pages, one column, single spaced,
     frame - 160mm x 230mm, typeface on 12 pt. On the first page the
     authors should indicate their address and e-mail; an abstract and

All papers accepted for presentation at ICIFS'2007 will be included in
a special issue of the journal "Notes on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets".
The special issue will be available at the registration. Please send
submissions or any correspondence related to the conference to the
organizing committee:

Centre for Biomedical Engineering - Bulgarian Academy of
Bulgaria, Sofia-1113, P.O.Box 12, Krassimir Atanassov
E-mail :

All authors who would like to take part in the conference are
requested to declare it in February and March. Detailed information about the
hotels, social programme, transportation as well as the participants
in the previous conferences is to be given later.

Registration fee:
     200 Euro.

bank:        BULBANK Ltd., 7, Sveta Nedelya Sq., Sofia-1000
branch:      KALOIAN
account Nr:  310 002 481 9
BIN:         621 753 95

The registration fee includes a copy of the proceedings, beverages at
the coffee breaks, a conference dinner and a trip outside Sofia.

The fee can be collected in cash at the registration.

Please register for the conference at your earliest convenience by
sending back the registration form below.
Registration form
Zip code:               Country:

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