Available documents of ATLAS.

Published papers

    ATLAS : a platform for transparently developing distributed applications.
    Proceedings of the tenth IASTED international conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems. (IASTED PDCS'98)
    October 1998.

    On the design and implementation of flexible software platforms to facilitate the development of advanced graphics applications.
    Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering, Vol II. (ICSE'98)
    April 1998.
    PhD project - extended abstract

    ATLAS , a platform for distributed graphics applications.
    Proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Programming Paradigms in Graphics. (EWPPG'97)
    September 1997.

    Interacción gráfica en ATLAS .
    Proceedings of CEIG'97. (in spanish)
    June 1997.

Research Reports

    Interprocess data transfer in ATLAS , a platform for distributed applications.
    Research Report. LSI-97-49-R.
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
    November 1997.

    ATLAS : a platform for transparently developing distributed applications.
    Research Report. LSI-97-50-R.
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
    November 1997.

Technical Reports

    ATLAS . Comunicaciones: Distribuidor, protocolos y drivers.
    Technical Report: LSI-95-12-T (in spanish).
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
    October 1995.
    abstract (in english)

    ATLAS . Sistema de Comandes: Manual tècnic. Oct 1995.
    Technical Report: LSI-95-11-T (in catalan).
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
    October 1995.
    abstract (in english)

Internal Documents

    ATLAS vs. DOC systems.
    Internal document.
    March 1998.

    Procés Demandes, una eina per a l'ATLAS.
    Internal document in catalan.
    July 1998.

    Procés Entrades, una utilitat per a l'usuari d'ATLAS.
    Internal document in catalan.
    July 1998.

    ATLAS . - versio´ 0.5: Màquina Virtual. Documentació tècnica.
    Internal document in catalan.
    June 1998.

    ATLAS - versió 0.2: Manual d'usuari.
    Internal document in catalan.
    October 1996.

Last update: February 4th, 1999
Marta Fairén mfairen@lsi.upc.es