Hello, I’m Imanol, a computer graphics researcher and professor based in Barcelona, Catalonia.
I'm an assistant professor at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech and member of the ViRVIG research center and I participate on the EHEM project.
I received my Ph.D. in 2017 at the Université de Limoges and the Universitat de Girona under a joint supervision program, with Stéphane Mérillou, Xavier Pueyo, Carles Bosch, and Nicolas Mérillou. I did a pre-doctoral state at Yale University under the supervision of Holly Rushmeier
I've been a post-doctoral fellow at Universitat de Girona, collaborating with Xavier Pueyo and Carles Bosch; at Universitat de Barcelona, working with Milagros Guardia; and at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, collaborating with Coloma Ballester.
My research interests lie in the intersection between Computer Graphics and Cultural Heritage. Currently, I focus on studying changes in appearance and 3D reconstruction. I've also contributed to research in weathering processes, image synthesis, and realistic rendering.
Interested in working together? imanol.munoz(you know)upc.edu