1) Randomized Jumplists 2) Randomization in Combinatorial Optimization (e.g. in Genetic Algorithms, Simulated Annealing, Stochastic Gradient Descent, ...) 3) Randomized Geometric Algorithms (e.g. Randomized Incremental Convex Hull, Probabilistic Roadmap) 4) Randomized On-line Algorithms (e.g. Randomized Algorithms for the Paging Problem) 5) Randomized Distributed Algorithms (e.g. Asynchronous Binary Byzantine Agreement) 6) Smoothed Complexity 7) Randomized Algorithms in Data Stream Analysis (e.g. Sticky Sampling, Frequent, CountSketch, ... for Heavy Hitters) 8) Generation of Random Variates (generating probability distributions: Normal, exponential, Poisson, ...) 9) Hidden Markov Chains 10) Variance Reduction in MonteCarlo Simulations 11) Approximate Membership Queries Filters (except Bloom filters) 12) Randomized Algorithms for Machine Learning (e.g., randomized feature reduction) 13) Randomization for Clustering 14) Randomization for Ranking and Social Choice 15) Bayesian Networks 16) Random Graphs and Phase Transitions 17) Locality-Sensitive Hashing 18) Randomization in Anomaly Detection